Encounter with the Serpendeme
In the dark / In the dungeon / In danger

Serpendeme Encounter

In the middle of a dangerous encounter
The party's second encounter with the Serpendeme

(This encounter took more than one session to resolve. It started during our 26 Aug 06 meeting, and ended...)

The party became embroiled in a dangerous battle on the evening of 09 Detenday, 1002 (Real world: 26 August, 2006).

Descending deeper still into the lair of a group of supremacist Elves, the party soon found themselves in the lair of a Demon. The Serpendeme is a creature they'd encountered once before. The first time the met this creature, it was attacked the party just outside the manor. This attack in broad daylight found the demon at a disadvantage. Here, in the dark recesses of a subterranean labyrinthe, the creature has plenty of dark passageways to slither down, and small confined spaces in which to set up ambushes. Now it's the party's turn at disadvantage.

Armed with fireballs, lightning bolts and devastating physical attacks, this time the Serpendeme seems to have the upper hand. In the midst of the encounter, the party is already reeling from a battering from this beast. While the party tries to figure out an effective strategy against this opponent, it's taking potshots at them while maintaining a discrete distance.

Using it's advantage of rapid maneuver, and a seemingly uncanny ability to locate the party without light, the Serpendeme has already done a considerable amount of damage to the party. A powerful opponent for sure. When we last left the party, they were reeling from this second meeting. Still in the midst of the encounter, the party is currently licking their wounds and trying to figure out how to effectively counter this beasts deadly tactics. Spreading out to avoid area effect attacks, the party is tempting doom by presenting the creature with seven separate targets.

(For a more detailed recounting, you should check out the journal entry.)

Legend (Party members):

1 - Thalidimar - The cleric has already been called upon to revive and heal various party members. I hope he's got more healing spells.
2 - Duracell - So far the Monk has managed to evade the creatures fireballs and lightning bolts. Hopefully, she can avoid it's physical attacks as well.
3 & F - Zeddishous & Fang - Battered but not down, Zeddishous has never been one to back down from a fight. Pursuing the demon could be a deadly tactic.
4 - Tanar - Trying to stay out of the line of fire, Tanar has already taken a considerable amount of damage.
5 - Grenco - Despite his ring of invisibility, Grenco has found himself the target of the creatures physical attacks. How the heck does it know where everyone is? Grenco has activated a magic item (t) in the hopes that the presence of a small tornado will give the beast pause.
6 - Greven - New to the party, Greven hasn't learned the harsh lesson regarding separation of the party yet. Climbing a ladder to an upper room, Greven found himself attacked by a group of possessed Elves. The battle posed little threat to Greven, and he subdued the group after several rounds of combat.
7 - Solmar - After being blasted by fire and lightning, the living construct is currently evaluating the tactical options of this dangerous encounter.

While the players have a couple of weeks to think about this encounter, the party fearfully waits to see what the dangerous opponent will do next.

The map above was created using Dundjinni for the Mac. The corridors and rooms have not been completely mapped, and the corridors between the rooms contain magical darkness. Some of the rooms contain crates (depicted here as chests), and so far the party hasn't found any ladders leading further down.

Hopefully, the party can safely conclude this encounter on the 9th of September, 2006. Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion. Stay tuned for adventure!

- Robert